

What is it?
A lipoma is a growth of fat cells in a thin fibrous encapsulated mass below the skin and are the most common type of noncancerous soft tissue growth They are most often found on the torso, neck, arms, thighs and back but can be found almost anywhere on the body. One or multiple fatty tumors may be present at the same time. 

What causes a lipoma?
Causes of lipoma are not clearly understood, but often are found in other family members and therefore may be inherited. They may also develop after an injury to the area.

Symptoms of a lipoma
  • A soft rubbery lump which is freely moveable with light finger pressure.
  • Usually less than 2 inches felt just under the skin. 
  • Usually slow growing. These can remain the same size for years. 
  • Most do not cause any pain but may be bothersome due to the location or increased size 
When should I see a doctor?
  • Any lump, swelling or mass on your body should be evaluated by a qualified doctor to determine if this is a benign process such as a lipoma.
  • If the swelling, lump or mass is increasing in size or causing pain it should be evaluated.
If your doctor suspects another condition additional testing may be required. 
Often no treatment is necessary however if the mass is causing discomfort, enlarging in size or rapidly changing; surgery may be recommended. . A sample of the mass can then be sent to the pathologist to determine a definite diagnosis. This can be done an outpatient procedure. 

Dr. O’Holleran is a caring compassionate surgeon with 40 years of experience. Our staff is ready to answer your questions and assist you to make an appointment for evaluation. 

Please call us today at (307)637-5600.

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